Filing a Title VI Complaint (Presentación de una Queja de Título VI – para traducir al español scdesplácese hasta la parte inferior y use Google Translate.)

Complaints must be made in writing and signed on the Title VI Complaint Form and filed with the Managing Director. The complaint form is located to the right or at the address listed below. Complaints can be mailed or dropped off at;
River Valley Metro Mass Transit District
Subject Title VI
1137 E. 5000N. Road
Bourbonnais IL 60914
Complaints can also be made with the USDOT Office of Civil Rights or Federal Transit Administration Headquarters or regional office.

In cases where the complainant is unable or incapable of providing a written statement, a verbal complaint may be made to the Managing Director and the Managing Director will put the complaint in a written format. The complainant or their representative is still required to sign the documentation.

All complaints must be signed by the complainant or representative to be considered valid. All complaints must be filed within 180 days of the alleged discrimination. Complaint forms are available on the website in English and Spanish.
Once Valid Complaint is Received
River Valley Metro Mass Transit District will provide the complainant or representative a written acknowledgment within 10 working days of receipt of the complaint.

Determination of Investigative Merit
A complaint shall be regarded as meriting investigation unless;
• It clearly appears on its face value to be frivolous or trivial.
• Within the time allotted for making the determination of jurisdiction and investigative merit, the party complained against voluntarily concedes noncompliance and agrees to take the appropriate remedial action.
• Within the time allotted for making the determination of jurisdiction and investigative merit, the complainant withdraws the complaint; or
• Other good cause for not investigating the complaint exists, e.g. the same or a related complaint is already under investigation by River Valley Metro Mass Transit District.

Request for Additional Information
In the event that the complainant or respondent has not submitted sufficient information to make a determination of jurisdiction or investigative merit, the Metro may request additional information from either party. This request shall be made within 15 working days of the receipt of the complaint and will require that the party submit the information within 60 working days from the date of the original request. Failure of the complainant to submit additional information within the designated time frame may be considered good cause for a determination of no investigative merit. Failure of the respondent to submit additional information within the designated time frame may be considered good cause for a determination of no investigative merit.

Investigative Report
A written report will be prepared by the responsible investigator at the conclusion of the investigation. The investigated report will include the following:
• Summary of the complaint, including a statement of the issues raised by the complainant and the respondent’s reply to each of the allegations.
• Citations of Federal, State, and Local Laws, rules, regulations and guidelines, etc.
• Description of the investigation, including a list of the persons contacted by the investigator and a summary of the interviews conducted; and
• A statement of the investigator’s findings and recommendations.

Notification of Disposition
River Valley Metro shall notify within 5 days by certified letter the complainant of the disposition.
• In the event of a decision not to investigate the complaint, the notification shall specifically state the reason for the decision.
• In the event the complaint is to be investigated, the notification shall inform the party that an investigation will take place, and request any additional information needed to assist the investigator in preparing for the investigation.
Complaint Investigation
Priority Complaints – All incoming complaints shall be examined to determine if the discrimination alleged would be irremediable if not dealt with promptly. If such a determination is made the complaint shall be given priority status. The processing, investigation and determination of such complaints shall be accelerated to advance significantly the normal completion date of the process.
Investigative Report – A written report will be prepared by the responsible River Valley Metro investigator at the conclusion of the investigation. The investigative report will include the following:
• Summary of the complaint, including a statement of the issues raised by the complainant and River Valley Metro’s reply to each of the allegations.
• Citations of relevant Federal, State and local laws, rules, regulations and guideline, etc.
• Description of the investigation, including a list of the persons contacted by the investigator and a summary of the interviews conducted.
• A statement of the investigator’s findings and recommendations.
Disposition of Complaints
1. Informal Resolution – If the Notice of Disposition is issued and finds River Valley Metro Mass Transit District is in noncompliance, the respondent is required to initiate voluntary remedial actions.
2. Request for Reconsideration – The complainant may request reconsideration of River Valley Metro Mass Transit District’s findings within 30 days of the Notice of Disposition. This request should include any additional information or analysis the complainant considers relevant. River Valley Metro will inform the respondent of its decision to accept or reject the request within 30 days after it is received.

In cases in which a request for reconsideration is approved, the responsible investigator will reopen the investigation and proceed to process the complaint in the same manner described above.

If a complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation, an appeal of the decision can be made through River Valley Metro, the Federal Transit Administration – Headquarters or regional Office or USDOT Office of Civil Rights.