October 2024

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 @ 8:00 A.M.
Meeting Location – Metro Centre or Remote
Zoom 312-626-6799, Meeting ID: 465 778 3908, Passcode: 111375
1.0 Roll Call
2.0 Pledge of Allegiance
3.0 Public with Business to Come Before the Board
(Comments should be limited to three minutes)
4.0 Consent Agenda
4.01 Minutes September 24, 2024
4.02 Financials
5.0 Communications
5.01 Chairman Report
5.02 Managing Director’s Report
5.03 Operations Report
5.04 Complaints/Comments Report
5.05 Board Member Comments
6.0 New Business
6.01 DBE Policy Update
6.02 Bus Lifts
7.0 Old Business
7.01 Maintenance Facility
8.0 Questions from the News Media
9.0 Other Business to come Before the Board (includes Executive
Session, if necessary
Closed session in accordance with the Illinois Open Meeting Act 5
ILCS 120/2(c)(1).
(1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline,
performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public
body or legal counsel for the public body.”
10.0 Potential Action from Executive Session
11.0 Adjournment
Future Meetings and Events (Tentative Schedule)
Board Meetings are the fourth Tuesday of every month at 8:00 am.
(excluding July and December)


River Valley Metro October 22, 2024
Metro Centre, 1137 E 5000 North Road, Bourbonnais IL 60914
Board of Director Meeting Minutes
Chairman Argyelan called the regular monthly River Valley Metro Board of
Directors meeting to order at 8:00 AM.
Attending Board Members: Chairman Mark Argyelan, Vice-Chairman Jerry
Pearce, Treasurer Nick Allen, Board Members: Ron Jackson, David Hinderliter,
Kenny Blake. Absent: Secretary Kelly St. Aubin.
Staff Members Present: Managing Director Siron Sims, Director of Administration
Mandy Taylor, Director of Operations Michelle Brutlag, Facilities Director Tim
Goodman, Project Manager Cortney Koning, COO Ken Munjoy
Others Present: National Express G.M. Lashanda Brown Smith
Pledge of Allegiance led by: Mark Argyelan
Public with Business to Come Before the Board: None
Consent Agenda: Nick Allen made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Jerry
Pearce seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken of those in attendance,
with all in favor. Consent agenda approved.
Chairman’s Report: Mark Argyelan
Managing Director’s Report: Siron Sims
As reported in the Daily Journal and other publications in Illinois, IPTA asked
downstate transit agencies to testify regarding their future funding needs. We are
concerned that elected officials who are not completely aware of how public
transit funding works in Illinois may assume that downstate and the RTA are in
the same situation. RTA funding is in a dire situation, but it is completely separate
from funding for downstate public transit.
At this time, Kankakee County has decided not to manage rural public transit for
other counties.
We will repost our RFP for a study to determine the feasibility of River Valley
Metro taking over rural transportation for Kankakee County.
Operations Report: Lashanda Brown Smith
We have 63 operators. We will continue to have one class per month.
Ken Munjoy reported that September ridership this year was 53,905, compared to
50,786 last year. Year-to-date ridership is up 7.2% from last year.
Complaints/Comments: Michelle Brutlag
There were 10 complaints in the last month, 4 of which were valid. CCS and
Transit Officers provided 78 rides. We received 1 compliment.
Board Report:
David Hinderliter complimented Bus Operator Dan Kroll.
Mark Argyelan asked Siron Sims about APTA. Cybersecurity was a hot topic, with
several agencies having been attacked. Our systems do not rely on software as
much as some larger agencies. In the event of a successful cyber-attack, we would
be able to continue to operate. We need a contingency plan now to make sure
that we would be able to complete payroll accurately and on time.
New Business
DBE Policy Update
David Hinderliter complimented Siron Sims and Mandy Taylor on completing the
detailed work required to update our policy. David Hinderliter made a motion to
approve the DBE Policy. Motion was seconded by Ron Jackson and approved
unanimously in a roll call vote.
Bus Lifts for the New Shop
3 of the 4 frames are here.
Installation cost for the lifts is included in the contract. The contractor issued a
Purchase Order so that the lifts could get ordered while we were waiting for final
approval from IDOT. Now that we have that approval, we can directly pay for the
lifts. Total cost for the lifts is $771,022. Kenny Blake made a motion to approve
the purchase. Motion was seconded by Ron Jackson and passed unanimously in a
roll call vote.
Old Business
Maintenance Facility
Interior brickwork for smaller rooms is pretty much done. Contractor is working to
get the building closed up so that interior work can continue through the winter.
Work on the parking lot has begun.
Questions from the news media: None
Other Business to come Before the Board: None
Executive Session:
Jerry Pearce made a motion to adjourn at 8:42 AM. Motion was seconded by
Kenny Blake and passed unanimously in a voice vote.