The Board of Trustees is the policy-making body of River Valley Metro Mass Transit District. The District was formed in 1998 to serve the transportation needs of the defined Urban Service Area. The seven participating municipalities each appoint a member of the Board to a four-year term of office. The Board is required to conduct the affairs of the District in accordance with the regulations of our grant providers (the FTA and IDOT). Additionally, the District is governed by the Illinois Mass Transit District Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, State and local law, and the rules, Metro regulations and policies that have been developed and adopted by this Board from these sources. Your attendance at Board meetings is encouraged. This is an important way for you to learn about the accomplishments, concerns and needs of your public transportation district.
As a policy-making body, the Board of Trustees is not involved in the day-to-day management. It has delegated this administration of the district to professional administrative staff under the leadership and direction of the Managing Director.
The Board meets regularly to conduct usual and customary business of the District at 8:00 am on the fourth Tuesday of the month, except in the months of July and December, when no meeting is held. Meetings are held at the following location.
Metro Centre
Board Room
1137 East 5000N Road
Bourbonnais IL 60914
Special meetings may be called to address specific issues, unfinished business or unforeseen conditions. Board meetings are open to the public; however, closed sessions are held occasionally in accordance with the provisions of the Illinois Open Meetings Act. All voting, including issues discussed in closed session, is done in open session. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, is the parliamentary authority for the conduct of meetings.
The Board accepts public comment at its meetings. Any citizen wishing to address the Board should first follow Board prescribed channels for addressing concerns, beginning with the person most closely connected to the concern.
Comments during the Board Meeting are made at the appropriate time as indicated by the Board Chairman. Any prepared materials must be presented to the Board prior to the presentation. A Board meeting is a meeting in public, not a public hearing. The Board reserves the right to terminate any presentation that becomes repetitive, abusive or exceeds time limit. Any questions will be responded to within a reasonable time after the meeting.
- When addressing the board, you must identify yourself and the organization you represent.
- Comments are limited to three minutes.
- No immediate action will be taken on public comment
- Personnel items will not be discussed
(If unable to attend the meeting in person, written comments can be submitted to the Managing Director who will present at the meeting.)
The Managing Director is responsible for preparation of an agenda prior to each Board meeting. The Board President reviews each agenda before publication. Board members receive background materials on agenda items, minutes of the most recent meeting and a list of all bills to be considered for payment prior to scheduled meetings. This provides them the opportunity to study issues in advance, so discussion and action can be taken on these items. This procedure enables the Board of Trustees to act more quickly on routine items than would otherwise be possible. Copies of agendas and exhibits are available for visitors at the Board meeting. If all exhibits or addendum items are unavailable, they may be requested by calling 815-935-1403 or at the District office.
Official minutes of Board meetings are kept on file at the District office. They are available during regular office hours or on for public review.